Yule blog 2014

23 Dec

Almost twenty days have passed since I have managed to escape to the plot. Today, after a late start saw us cancel our plans to head to London, opting for a lazier local day out, we found ourselves going past the allotment when it was still daylight and with a load of Christmas cardboard in the boot.

Do you mind if I drop it off? I asked the hubby aware that if I dropped it off there and then the chances of it staying in the boot till spring would be zero and I could also check on my sprouts.

My youngest volunteered to accompany me and along he lept, ‘I miss the plot’ he said after we had chatted to his best plot buddy, the bee keeper man who he loves to watch don his white robes, while collecting the best honey any of us have ever tasted.

It made me chuckle as during spring and summer when ever I mention the plot word both of them groan or sigh, so it’s good to know I haven’t entirely traumatised him against all things gardener.

It was a pretty sad scene at the plot, we spread out the cardboard straightaway and then moved onto inspect our sprouts, a sad slug nibbled batch this year.

2014-12-23 18.24.33

I almost didn’t bother to pick them but the youngest kept saying poor nana, she won’t have any sprouts. Even though I explained she wasn’t relying on us to provide sprouts he was still adamant we pick a few which he proudly carried back to the car.

All my brassicas have been eaten and the broad beans have yet to materialise. This time last year I had planted garlic and onion sets but this year I have run out of time. The whole place looked dead and full of decay and I wondered briefly why bother, but seeing my son squeal with delight at just being there and hearing our bee keeper say it will all be OK if we get a big frost strengthened my resolve to plod on for another year at least! Apparently if it gets to sub zero temperatures for a few weeks the slugs will all die out. It’s not the type of thing I have ever previously hoped for but being a plot holder throws up such desires, so come on now, let it snow!

Thanks for the follow in 2014, happy Winterval and a productive new year to you all!

One Response to “Yule blog 2014”

  1. gillridge December 24, 2014 at 10:26 am #

    Oh I am touched that Dylan thought of me and I shall be very pleased to have some plot sprouts to add to the shop bought ones! XX

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